

At the age of 23 (to be precise,in1983) a young man came to chandigarh  so as to support his family along with his 3 brothers and 3 sisters (This guy is not the eldest but is surely the smartest). He took up a job with a firm , which,required travel to different places (sri lanka at times). This guy would always travel alone, leaving his family behind to be in sync with his job.After working for 8 years, when he was of around 31yr of age, the company he was working for went bankrupt. He had the responsibility of his wife, a son and a daughter but he lost his only source of incomeDue to circumstances he did not get any help from any quarter. Even his siblings didnot extend any help thou he himself had supported them through tough times. Helped them in settling down in life.He had to live in a modest room 8*10 with his family of four . Thou the odds were againsthim ,But he never felt disheartened and kept on working with immense dedication ( he even worked on per day income basis tos...

Stand up !

It doesn’t matter what stage you are in your life, stand up and think about how you can make it better. What ever is happening today is because of your actions in the past, and what will happen in the future is how you will act today...

This Months Novel

This Month am going to buy listed novels : 1.Kiing of Hearts by Prassant Kevin 2.Love Beyond Words by Himanshika Sharma 3.The New Beginning by Rohit Sukhwani 4.When the Heavens Smiled by Ritesh Arora 5.Tea For Two and a Piece of Cake by Preeti Shenoy 6. Wings Of Fire By Dr. A.P.J Abdul Kalam 7. Are you magic or am i a trick ? by Arpita Chipkar 8. Pl Let Me Go by prassant kevin 9. Ex...A twisted love story by novoneel chakraborty Books by Nick Vujicic : - Life Without Limits: How to Live a Ridiculously Good Life, Unstoppable: The Incredible Power of Faith in Action, Stand Strong: You Can Overcome Bullying (and Other Stuff That Keeps You Down), Your Life Without Limits: Living Above Your Circumstances, Limitless: Devotions for a Ridiculously Good Life.

Welcome 2k16

New Year’s is the time for life changing decisions that bring about a complete overhaul in your life. If the past year has not taught you anything, That’s Okay. 31st December doesn't mean it's over. As long as you have life, there is hope for you to accomplish greatness and make good memories. In the coming year use your abilities to solve problems and challenges. Never lose these goals to keep you focus on your dreams and success. Always having hope, success will find you. Open up a new chapter this New Year and fill it up with pages that are worth reading by the end of the year. Usher in the New Year with a new thinking power and a new soul. Set your purposeful, passionative and satisfactory goal and keep going with it. My love, support, needs, friendship will always be with you. Thanks for giving your precious time to read this. May God Will Always Bless You ! Regards - शुभ अग्रवाल ! (India)

Sandeep Maheshwari Quotations

संदीप माहेश्वरी उद्धरण Quote 1: If you are searching for that person who will change your life, take a look in the Mirror. In Hindi: अगर आप उस इंसान की तलाश कर रहे हैं जो आपकी ज़िन्दगी बदलेगा, तो आईने में देख लें। Quote 2: No hill is tough to climb, see you at the top. In Hindi: कोई पहाड़ चढ़ना मुश्किल नहीं है, शिखर पर ...

Not fare...

It's okay to fall in love with a person who loves someone else. But hating them for the same reason, is not the right way to move on in life...

"Acid Attack Victim"

"SHE IS GORGEOUS......" . A Friend :- "Dude how is your girlfriend?? Where is she ?? How she looks haan??" . He(with a smile on his face):- ...Looks?? Words are not enough to define her. She is not just my girlfriend. She is my soulmate, my princess, my angel, she is simply my love.. I am lost in her totally. Her eyes are stunning, they have imprinted on me, they have galvanised me. I m prisoner of her's for life, for eternity. Her blue iris..clear as blue water explains all about her beauty, explains my love for her.. Her face is divine beauty to me, It's now carved in my heart forever. When I feel her it's like, they are so soothing,soft and pleasant. Each day my hands urge more of her cheeks and my lips too..... She is exquisite, she is ravishing, she is admirable to me.. When she smiles naa....everything around her,the whole atmosphere, the whole of me is just filled with positivity. Every single piece of life around her sings with her, lau...